Lissa, born to the youngest member of family Mouse’s and being born as the seventh is – so called Septimi.
Lissa has magical power which develops over time. When Lissa’s father diminishes, she will need to use her magical powers to get him back … An amazing journey with a lot of surprises awaits her.
11 February 2024
Lissa wird als jüngstes Mitglied der Familie Maus geboren. Als Siebtgeborene hat sie Zauberkräfte, die sich im Laufe der Zeit bemerkbar machen. Diese sind auch von Nöten, als ihr Vater verschwindet, und Lissa sich auf den Weg macht ihn zurückzuholen. Eine Reise mit vielen Überraschungen erwartet sie.
2 February 2024
The High Society is terrified – a serial burglar preys on the rich and famous, steals their possessions and leaves behind only a white glove as his business card.
The burglar’s identity.
The identity of the burglar remains unclear for a long time, but there are increasing indications that it must be a member of upper society. However, before the true identity of the ‘White Glove’ is revealed, there are still some complications.
17 March 2024
Die noble Gesellschaft ist beängstigt – ein Serieneinbrecher sucht die Reichen und Schönen heim, stiehlt deren Besitztümer und lässt als Visitenkarte nur einen weißen Handschuh zurück.
Die Identität des Einbrechers bleibt lange ungeklärt, doch verdichten sich die Hinweise, dass es ein Mitglied der oberen Gesellschaft sein muss. Bevor jedoch die wahre Identität des ‘Weißen Handschuh’ enthüllt wird, gibt es noch einige Verwicklungen.
1 March 2024
Shortly after Monica Decker found out how her grandfather had won the love of his life and then laid the foundation for the family empire, her father had an accident and she had to take over the management of the company. In the shark tank of big industry, she quickly learned that she needed help. Can the successful investment banker Alex Riedel help her?
When a number of unfortunate coincidences start to pile up, the question arises: was her father’s accident just a coincidence? And what does that have to do with the past?
2 June 2024
Shortly after Monica Decker found out how her grandfather had won the love of his life and then laid the foundation for the family empire, her father had an accident and she had to take over the management of the company. In the shark tank of big industry, she quickly learned that she needed help. Can the successful investment banker Alex Riedel help her?
When a number of unfortunate coincidences start to pile up, the question arises: was her father’s accident just a coincidence?
And what does that have to do with the past?
2 June 2024
This book was created to support young leaders to develop their own style by sharing my own experiences and insights as well as some theory about leadership. It is not a comprehensive compendium or a training course – but it should initiate the reflection of one self’s behaviour.
6 February 2024
It is always exciting to start something new – you are able to be in a new environment, explore new people, get to know new processes and tasks, maybe dealing with new products or even taking over more responsibilities.
Especially with regards to the Transformational Leadership style where people centricity is key it is crucial to prepare for the introduction process into a new role. The first interactions with your new colleagues, your new superiors and your new subordinates will determine the speed in which you will be settling into the new role.
Therefore, this book was created to support professionals to come into, or to change their leadership role by sharing my own experiences and insights. It is not a comprehensive compendium or a training course – but it should enable you to define your own style of managing the first hundred days in the new job successfully.
8th OCtober, 2024